Short Course on Electrochemical Impedance
The attendee will develop a basic understanding of the technique, the sources of errors in impedance measurements and the use of graphical methods to interpret measurements in terms of meaningful physical properties. The topics to be covered include:
- The motivation for using impedance spectroscopy advantages as compared to other transient techniques and the conditions under which its use is ideally suited,
- The basic concepts of how impedance is measured,
- Proper selection of experimental parameters,
- Graphical representation of impedance data, including methods to extract some physically meaningful parameters,
- Constant-phase elements,
- Application of electrical circuit analogues.
The concepts will be illustrated by applications to different systems including corrosion, fuel cells, batteries, transport through membranes, electroceramics.
The registration fee for the Short Course is 100 Euros. Students may register at a 50% discount, paying— 50 Euros.
The registration fee for the course includes participation in the course, text materials and refreshment breaks; the Short Course Registration fee does not include or apply to the general Meeting Registration, and it is not applicable to any other activities of the meeting.
The deadline for registration for a course is May 1, 2014. Interested parties may register using the registration form or link to onsite registration.
Pre-registration is required for email:
All courses are subject to cancellation pending an appropriate number of advance registrants.